A modern day supers 'verse where the Darker and Edgier excesses of the Iron Age are over, and there's a bit of Silver Age idealism returning to the world. The Modern Age of Comic Books: The tone and setting assumed by default for the game.The Iron Age Of Comic Books: The game assumes a default setting of the present, but there is a sourcebook dealing with this era.The Bronze Age of Comic Books: This is one of several "historic supers" settings, sharing a sourcebook with The Silver Age of Comic Books.The Silver Age of Comic Books: Another "historic supers" setting, sharing a sourcebook with The Bronze Age of Comic Books.The Golden Age of Comic Books: The game assumes a default setting of the present, but there is a sourcebook dealing with this era.The Ages Of Super Hero Comics: The core book actually has a historical summary of every major age, encouraging GMs to use them as a guide for the tone of a campaign.Acceptable Breaks from Reality: The core book even points out how many things like realistic consequences of certain powers or logistical concerns like keeping track of ammo, vehicle fuel, or monetary cost of equipment are often Hand Waved in favor of having fun in a setting that runs on Superhero Tropes and Rule of Cool.The Freedom City 'verse is the default setting for M&M (and the place for FC-specific tropes).